2010. február 15.

Okaachan, tanoshikatta?

Without realizing it, I became an adult too,
But, to you Mom, I’ll always be a child.

When I was little, I couldn’t quite say
The word, “Onigiri”.
I always, always said, “Onigishi”.
Mom raised me all by herself,
And because of that, my dream as a child was:

To marry Mom!!

Without realizing it, I became an adult too,
But, to you Mom, I’ll always be a child.

Mom’s way of life was to “do her best”
So, I’m giving it my all and doing my best.
Do you remember that time?
The time when I was beating myself up over being betrayed by my friends?
You told me,“If you’re going to put down your betrayed self, then praise the self you believe in.”
But, after that, I shouted at all of them.

Mom, what did I do for you?
Was I nice? I really wanted to laugh together more
But it’s too late now.
Did you have fun, Mom?
You know, I want to eat, not Onigiri…but Onigishi!

I want to eat Onigishi. It has to be Onigishi.
Make some slightly salty Onigishi.
I want to eat Onigishi. It has to be Onigishi.
If you’re reborn, make Onigishi again.
Definitely Onigishi.

Onigishi is delicious.

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